CCGs to implement the NHS Power of Information initiative

CCGs to implement the NHS Power of Information initiative

The Power of Information (PoI) initiative states that all NHS service providers are to have a plan or timetable to provide all users with online access to their own health and/or care record. Although PoI published June 2012, little evidence that CCGs have specified that requirement in any primary or secondary service commissioned. CCGs should recognize the ethos "no decision about me without me", as specified within the PoI initiative, is one which will promote well being and save resource


The NHS Power of Information initiative sets out the requirements to ensure that there are "no decision about me without me" The initiative specifies that service providers will "make a plan and timetable for all our patients and service users to have online access to their care records and other services" The initiative is about empowerment/engagement of the patient in their own self care. When commissioning a service, CCGs should require that the provider has a plan which is fully transparent

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