NHS Citizen Refine

NHS Citizen Refine

This is a test version of the NHS Citizen Refine space; it helps people identify and discuss the issues that the NHS should be talking about. Ideas that generate the most discussion and support or which have the most national significance will be brought to the Assembly meeting for further discussio


Educational pain self-management

Care for the elderly

Funding of new GP practices needed by new developments

Withdrawal of Minimum Practice Income Guarantee

The level of funding for primary care

How will hospital to primary care shift be sustainable?

Transforming how men of working age can access Primary Care

GP appointments problems lead to A&E problems

Developing a primary care strategy

Don't stop providing hearing aids on the NHS

Cap on Gender reassignment surgery

Developing and Funding Specialised Service

Happiness - mental health

Young people’s mental health services

Neglect and Crisis in maternal mental health services

Parity of esteem for mental health

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This content is created by the open source Your Priorities citizen engagement platform designed by the non profit Citizens Foundation

Your Priorities on GitHub

Check out the Citizens Foundation website for more information